Mission Statement

This blog is for my purposes, namely to track, evaluate and submit to various fantasy/science fiction magazines examples of my short fiction, whether they be flash fiction or novellas, and consequently to promote my fictional work via such magazines. Other people can certainly use this blog to submit their own work, but the purpose of the blog is primarily for me to keep track of where I am submitting my work, what magazines are open for submissions, etc.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

ROOM Magazine - Marginalized Gender Fiction

 Learn more at: https://roommagazine.com/submit/


 Authors of marginalized genders.

  • Submit only work that has not been previously published, in print or online.
  • Fiction and creative non-fiction: up to 3500 words.
  • Simultaneous submissions = ok.
  • Individual issues are themed.


All contributors will be paid upon publication: $50 CAD for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages.



Tuesday, 5 July 2022

The Colored Lens - Speculative Fiction Quarterly

Learn more at http://thecoloredlens.com/?page_id=137752

The Colored Lens - Speculative Fiction Quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn)

Speculative fiction featuring good storytelling, characters we enjoy reading about and a solid plot. 

Speculative fiction, from alternate history, to high fantasy, to hard science fiction, to dark fantasy.

A few things to keep in mind when submitting:

  • Stories should have a plot. Although we want stories that comment on our world and society, stories should also have a hook, rising action, climax, and resolution, although the handling of those elements can be experimental.
  • Flash fiction is great, but make sure it has a fully developed plot.
  • Stories must have a speculative element. It can be slight, but must be present.
  • Present tense will be a harder sell than traditional past tense. We have published stories in the present tense, and undoubtedly will continue to do so, but stories in the past tense tend to have a higher chance of acceptance.
  • Sex, violence, and related themes are fine, but those elements should not be the main focus of the story.

Length & Format

We publish stories up to 10,000 words, although we prefer stories in the 500-5000 word range. We also publish novellas up to 20,000 words, serialized over multiple issues.


We pay $20 per short story, article, or piece of artwork, and $10 for flash. For novellas, we pay $20 for the first 10,000 words, and $1 per 1000 words after that. Unless otherwise specified, purchases are for first world electronic and print rights, exclusive for 3 months, and non-exclusive reprint rights. Payments will be made upon publication.

Acceptance of a submission does not guarantee a publication date. Payments will be made via paypal upon publication. Other forms of payment can be arranged if necessary.

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