Visit to get free short stories and huge discounts on fantasy books by Charles Moffat. Sale ends on October 20th.
Mission Statement
This blog is for my purposes, namely to track, evaluate and submit to various fantasy/science fiction magazines examples of my short fiction, whether they be flash fiction or novellas, and consequently to promote my fictional work via such magazines. Other people can certainly use this blog to submit their own work, but the purpose of the blog is primarily for me to keep track of where I am submitting my work, what magazines are open for submissions, etc.
- Books
- Defunct Magazines
- Fantasy Magazines
- Flash Fiction
- How To Guide
- Literary and Art Magazines
- New Submissions in August 2022
- New Submissions in June 2022
- New Submissions in September 2022
- Open Submissions Anytime
- Poetry Book
- Proper Manuscript Format
- Quarterly Magazines
- Speculative Fiction
- Vanity Publisher
- Writing Contests (No Fee)
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Download a copy of the free PDF version by visiting the Peasant Magazine website, or order the 8x11 magazine of Peasant Magazine via Am...
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Visit to get free short stories and huge discounts on fantasy books by Charles Moffat. Sale ends on October 20th...
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