Mission Statement

This blog is for my purposes, namely to track, evaluate and submit to various fantasy/science fiction magazines examples of my short fiction, whether they be flash fiction or novellas, and consequently to promote my fictional work via such magazines. Other people can certainly use this blog to submit their own work, but the purpose of the blog is primarily for me to keep track of where I am submitting my work, what magazines are open for submissions, etc.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Proper Manuscript Format - Classic


  1. Courier or Times New Roman font.
  2. 12 point font.
  3. Black text.
  4. No colours.
  5. No decorations.
  6. 1 inch margins on all sides.
  7. Contact Info goes in top left corner of first page.
  8. Contact Info should include legal name, address, phone number, and email.
  9. Word count goes on top right corner of first page. If it is a longer piece round to the nearest 100.
  10. Title should be one third or one half down the first page and centered.
  11. Byline: Your name or Pseudonym below the title, also centered.
  12. Double spaced between Title and Byline
  13. Another double spacing after the Byline, then the story.
  14. Set the line spacing for the story to Double-Spaced
  15. Each paragraph should be indented one half of an inch.
  16. Text should be left-aligned.
  17. Do NOT use full justification.
  18. Header at the top-right of each page should include: Surname of the author from the Byline, the title, page number.
  19. Header should begin on the 2nd page, not the 1st page.
  20. Scene breaks should be marked with a # instead of * * *.
  21. If you are submitting to a magazine or publisher that has specific guidelines you should follow then you SHOULD follow them.

Tree and Stone, Flash Fiction


Tree and Stone is seeking Flash Fiction (less than 1000 words) and pays 2 cents per word.

They sometimes will buy 1000 to 6000 word short stories, but only pay an honorarium of $20 for such pieces.

Simultaneous Submissions = OK

While all writers are welcomed, they prefer to publish work by QTPOC and BIPOC writers. Especially with queer characters/romance, and queer fantasy/science fiction.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Etherea Magazine, Australia Fantasy and Science Fiction

Looking for fantasy and sci fi, but not horror or grimdark. Dark Fantasy is OK, but nothing too dark or grim.

Accepts at least 25% Australian writers, up to 75% international writers. So don't worry about being Canadian.


2 months response time.

Pays a flat rate of $100 AUD (roughly $87 CDN or $65 USD) for short stories that are 2000 to 5000 words. Sweet spot is approximately 3500 words.

Original unpublished stories only!

Also accepts flash fiction that is 500 to 1000 words, but only pays $25 AUD for each. Will sometimes accept supernatural horror for the flash fiction stories.

Also accepts reprints at a rate of $25 AUD, short stories that are 2000 to 5000 words as per above.

Open to printing completed serials.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Woods Reader


Accepts 500 to 1000 words flash fiction at 2 cents per word.

Must be thematically about the woods/trees/forests, but can be fantasy or other genres.

Especially likes history, woodcrafting and how-to DIY topics, in nonfiction or fiction format.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

ROOM Magazine - Marginalized Gender Fiction

 Learn more at: https://roommagazine.com/submit/


 Authors of marginalized genders.

  • Submit only work that has not been previously published, in print or online.
  • Fiction and creative non-fiction: up to 3500 words.
  • Simultaneous submissions = ok.
  • Individual issues are themed.


All contributors will be paid upon publication: $50 CAD for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages.



Tuesday, 5 July 2022

The Colored Lens - Speculative Fiction Quarterly

Learn more at http://thecoloredlens.com/?page_id=137752

The Colored Lens - Speculative Fiction Quarterly (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn)

Speculative fiction featuring good storytelling, characters we enjoy reading about and a solid plot. 

Speculative fiction, from alternate history, to high fantasy, to hard science fiction, to dark fantasy.

A few things to keep in mind when submitting:

  • Stories should have a plot. Although we want stories that comment on our world and society, stories should also have a hook, rising action, climax, and resolution, although the handling of those elements can be experimental.
  • Flash fiction is great, but make sure it has a fully developed plot.
  • Stories must have a speculative element. It can be slight, but must be present.
  • Present tense will be a harder sell than traditional past tense. We have published stories in the present tense, and undoubtedly will continue to do so, but stories in the past tense tend to have a higher chance of acceptance.
  • Sex, violence, and related themes are fine, but those elements should not be the main focus of the story.

Length & Format

We publish stories up to 10,000 words, although we prefer stories in the 500-5000 word range. We also publish novellas up to 20,000 words, serialized over multiple issues.


We pay $20 per short story, article, or piece of artwork, and $10 for flash. For novellas, we pay $20 for the first 10,000 words, and $1 per 1000 words after that. Unless otherwise specified, purchases are for first world electronic and print rights, exclusive for 3 months, and non-exclusive reprint rights. Payments will be made upon publication.

Acceptance of a submission does not guarantee a publication date. Payments will be made via paypal upon publication. Other forms of payment can be arranged if necessary.

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Dead Man's Tome = Defunct

The following website doesn't work any more.


Aether and Ichor = Defunct

The following website doesn't work any more.


Friday, 24 June 2022

Rules of Writers of the Future

 L. Ron Hubbard's "Writers of the Future"


No fee. Prizes are annual ($5000), and quarterly ($1000, $750 and $500).

The 12 winning entries for the year are published in the Writers of the Future anthology.


  1. No entry fee is required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author. All types of science fiction, fantasy, and dark fantasy are welcome.
  2. All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English.
  3. No excessive violence or sex, determined by the judges.
  4. Works of prose, up to 17,000 words in length. (no poetry or children’s books)
  5. Entrant must not have professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories (professional publication:  paid at least eight cents per word, at least 5,000 copies sold or 5,000 hits).
  6. Hard copy submissions must be:
    • Typed or a computer printout in black ink on white paper
    • Printed only on the front of the paper, double-spaced, with numbered pages
    • Sent with a cover page with the title of the work, the author’s legal name, a pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address and an approximate word count.
    • Every page must carry the title and a page number, with the author’s name deleted (it is blind judging, to ensure a fair chance for all entrants no matter their color, gender or age).
    • Do not requires a signature on the package.
  7. Electronic submissions must be:
    • Double-spaced, with title and page number on each page, but not the author’s name.
    • Cover is to include the author’s legal name, pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and approximate word count.
  8. Judging is done quarterly: October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1. The year will end on September 30. Entries must be postmarked or received electronically no later than midnight on the last day of the quarter.
  9. One manuscript can be submitted per quarter.
  10. Once you win, you can no longer enter the Contest.
  11. All entries for each quarter are final. No revisions are accepted.
  12. Entries will be judged by professional authors. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own, and are final and binding.

Last Waltz Publishing / Monochrome Noir - Fiction Submissions

Last Waltz Publishing

Submission Deadline: August 30th 12pm

"Short-stories, 4k – 6k words in length, set in the greater Monochrome Noir mythology/concept, where the world is forever trapped in the black & white color scheme of old movies & photographs. In this grayscale world, items of color are extremely uncommon. These stories can be devoid of color entirely, or can just reference colors tangentially. Hell, a rare item of color could even be the main focus. Your tales do not need to take place in the past. Also, these stories do not need to reference the events of the existing Monochrome Noir series at all. But, if you want to go that route, that’s ok too!"

Please query lastwaltzpublishing@gmail.com

Otherverse Magazine (Vanity, £1 per submission)

Note - Otherverse Magazine is a VANITY publisher and charges £1 per submission

The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm GMT on Sunday 14th August 2022.


Pays £30 per fiction work they accept.

Accepts submissions of fantasy, science fiction and non-fiction writing from 500-5,000 words in length. Some exceptions can be made to this in certain circumstances; please email otherversemagazine@gmail.com if you have queries regarding your submission length.

"We accept science fiction and fantasy writing, and are open-minded regarding the boundaries of these genres. Speculative fiction, YA, magical realism, mythological, surreal, contemporary, etc stories are all encouraged as long as they pertain to either science fiction or fantasy. Flash fiction, short stories and excerpts from novellas and novels are permitted; please specify the nature of your submission in your entry."



Monday, 20 June 2022

Polar Borealis Magazine - Sci Fi and Fantasy Submissions

Polar Borealis Magazine


POLAR BOREALIS is CURRENTLY OPEN to short story submissions and closed to poetry submissions. Always open for cover art.

Submission window closes Midnight, June 30, 2022.

"I prefer Science Fiction over Fantasy, though of course SF can include fantasy elements, so I’m flexible. Weird Fantasy would intrigue me. Also interested in Horror with SF aspects. Have a weakness for Lovecraftian Horror. Nothing obscene or ultra-violent. Idea-driven combined with character-driven would be ideal.

Particularly interested in beginning writers who haven’t made a sale yet. The primary purpose of this zine is to encourage beginning writers. I welcome experienced authors but will judge unpublished writers as a separate category so they won’t have to compete with pros. Ideally at least two to three first-sale stories will be in in every issue. Be sure to mention whether you have been published or not so I’ll be sure to place you in the proper category."


Leading Edge Magazine - Fiction Submissions

Leading Edge Magazine


Fiction submissions are temporarily closed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Submissions will reopen on September 1, 2022.

We hope this temporary closure will reduce the submission backlog and improve response time in the future. Thank you for your patience.








The New Yorker - Fiction Submissions


Fiction submissions: Please send your submissions (as PDF attachments) to fiction@newyorker.com, or by mail to Fiction Editor, The New Yorker, 1 World Trade Center, New York, NY 10007.

We read all submissions within ninety days, and will contact you if we’re interested in publishing your material.

We regret that, owing to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to call or e-mail unless a story is accepted for publication. If you have not heard from us within ninety days, please assume that we will not be able to publish your manuscript.

Submissions sent by regular mail will not be returned, so please do not send original copies of your work.

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